Tue 21 Jan
☀🌻🍀🍀🍀🍀 Hot Hot!!!! Gorgeous eyes! Very Busty! Petite body! 🍀🍀🍀🍀🌻☀🌅🌈 - 20
(Austin, South, West Austin,South Austin and surrounding)
hh $P3CiAl/ sexxxxy NAtiVE AMERiCAN/White beauty- L0NG LEGS/perfect A$sETS -- 100%REAL - 22
(Austin, 290/35)
______ HEY AUSTIN!! DID YOU MISS ME?? back for 1 day only!!! I misssed you!!! ______ $100 incall - 19
Fully reviewed 5 star escort!! Beautiful and engaging!!! - 27
(Austin, Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood, Outcalls only)
FuN FrEaKy $uper $pecials RARE talent!!60🌹 Im a great END to a ROUGH work day!!100% real pix - 22
*[]*[]*[]* New Limited Time Visitor *[]* Sexy *[]* Yummy *[]* Dont Miss Out *[]*[]*[]* 210.4610334 - 19
(College Station, bryan/college station/austin surrounding)
*Up and At :*: * EM :*: * :*: EArly BiRd SPECiALS :*: *No DiSaPPOinTmENtS - 26
(College Station, BCS((IN))OR((OUT)))
💕 Available Now 💕 Let's Play 💕 - 23
(Beaumont, Beaumont/Pt Arthur, City of Houston, College Station, Galveston, Galveston/Webster/Dickinson, here, Houston, Huntsville)
ÀkiSs🌹 Hot CoCo...💦the best experience ever .💰..I can show you better🔥💣 7185818982👈$$$ - 23
(Bronx, Bronx / Grand Concourse)
Sweet & sexy Alize $ 50 In calls specials %100 real pics (347)607-1093 - 20
(Bronx, 238th Neried Ave Whiteplains Road)
xoxo North Shore Brazilian Hotties Ready To WARM YOU UP xoxo // - 22
(North Shore, NORTH SHORE (857. 258. 2451))
Well reviewed Lovely Asian Beauty♡ satisfaction guaranteed ~♥here for a short stay!! - 26
(Cape Cod, hyannis/ cape cod)
💫🌟 Wednesday Special with GISELLE !!! 🌟 Come Relax with me! - 25
(Boston/Camb/Brook, BOSTON INCALLS)
Ebony & Latina Escorts Wanted and Needed. Get Paid Daily!!! - 18
(Bronx, Bronx, Manhattan, Yonkers, New Rochelle,)
»» WHAT »» A »» »» BODY »» - 21
W :A :R :N :I :N :G!!! :☠: EXTREMELY :☠: A *D *D *I *C *T *I *V *E * - 21
(boston and surrounding areas outcalls)
**SeXY J.Lo!! LeTs GeT NauGHTy!! 100%ReaL Pics! SPeCiaLs ! SPeCiaLs! SPeCiaLs ! ALL DAY ! ** - 27
V.I.P. Fetish. Beautiful. Super Sexy. Excellent Reviews! 100% Real Pix! Specials! - 28
(Boston/Camb/Brook, saugus/revere area-Incall/outcall)
###### UR ==== New SweetHeart ASAIN DOLL === Waitting FOR U ######### - 23
(Boston/Camb/Brook, OUTCALL ONLY ((617-955-5491)))
UPSCALE LATINA Let me cater and Provide A Five Star Experience you deserve ☆Sexy Addictive Skilled - 21
(Boston/Camb/Brook, Outcalls)
♡★♡★Ultimate Prostate playmate★☆come play baby♥♡♥☆★ - 21
(Boston/Camb/Brook, waltham watertown newton)
UnForGetabLe & UnRushEd SerViCe !!! NaTuRal BeauTy WitH BeaUtiFuL SoFt CurVes !!! ExTremEly SexY !!! - 27
~~hot&horny;~~ Carmel kisses 💋 - 25
(Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, New Jersey, Westchester, Crotons ave location)
Tuesday Getaway THE MATURE Experience' !!!!!!! Tewks/ Andover 495 / 93 - 38
(Boston/Camb/Brook, Tewks/Andover 495/93)
TH!CK GIRLS do it BETTER 💋★ C e r t i f i e d BBW💋★ PLUMP🍑 JUICY 💦 SWEET $100 ✨SATISFACTION ✨ - - 28
(Boston/Camb/Brook, ins...weymouth....outs)
TaMMi ... 14o HaLF HoUR ... 24o FuLL HoUR ... TaMMi ... 14o HaLF HoUR ... 24o FuLL HoUR ... - 18
(BoStOn InCaLLs)
Reviewed*** Ready and WAITING ***EVERY boys DREAM **** come let me PLAY with you**** - 23
(your place, Boston outcall/incall)
💖Sweet💖 Young 💖and 💖Sexy 💖Beauty!!! Call Now 💌 💖Outcalls Northern MA & Southern NH 💖 - 23
(Boston, Northern MA & All Of Southern NH, Northwest/Merrimack)
(*S* -W- *E* -E- *E* -T-) ♥ (*A* -N- *D*) ♥ (-A- *D* -D- *D* -I- *C* -T- *I* -V- *E*) - 24
(North Columbus)
»-★-»$ThE »-★-» BeST » YoU » WiLL »-★-» EvER »-★-» HAvE »-★-» - 27
(Metro West, $100 incalls framingham & outcalls)
*~* SWEETER THAN THE REST!! *~* Portuguese & Ebony Mix!! - 21
(Boston/Camb/Brook, Boston Back Bay, Downtown)
*S*/- -\*I*/- -\*M*/- -\*P*/- -\*L*/- -\*Y*/ --- *A*/- -\*M*/- -\*A*/- -\*Z*/- -\*I*/- -\*N*/- -\*G*
Sweet Beautiful Asian Girl***100% Real Pic***617-319-3257 - Chelmsford - Lowell - Nashua - 22
(Boston, Boston/Camb/Brook, Chelmsford - Lowell - Nashua)
Sweet Beautiful Asian Girl 100% Real Pics * 617-319-3257 * Chelmsford -Lowell -Tewksbury -Nashua - 22
(Boston, Boston/Camb/Brook, Chelmsford - Lowell - Tewksbury - Nashua)
Sweet Beautiful Asian Girl 100% Real Pic * 617-319-3257 * Chelmsford -Lowell -Tewksbury -Nashua - 23
(Boston, Boston/Camb/Brook, Chelmsford - Lowell - Tewksbury - Nashua)
SuPeR SeXy ITALIAN, Brunette! 100% Real PICS!!! 857-2662774 - 25
(North Shore, northshore, malden,saugus,Boston)
Real Deep Tissue Massage + More! 60 Rose Lunchtime SS Special (614)517-5212 - 28
(Columbus, Worthington or Òutcall 24/7)
Flirty Sexy PlayMate 💦👅 Tight Wet Slippery And Tasty 😋 Come Over and See Me Now - 26
(Bronx, My place ONLY E 174 St)
Sweet Beautiful Asian Girl NaNa***617-319-3257*** Chelmsford -Lowell -Tewksbury -Nashua - 22
(Boston, Boston/Camb/Brook, Chelmsford - Lowell - Tewksbury - Nashua)
+--Randi's +-- PLAYROOM!! +---*"The Real Action takes Place!" - 27
(**out call 2 You.** / Some In call today, Columbus)
SUCCULENT BRAZILIAN Girl-Next-Door ___Breath of FRESH AIR!! ___ 100% REAL PICS ___ 100% independent - 22
(Boston, IC/OC...Book NOW for SPECIAL!)
still time to make it count ♥ 👠 🍭 Willing and available NOW..7818081770 - 28
(North Shore, northshore)
C0M€ G€T WaRM IN M¥ H0T Ch0C0LAT€{SpECi@L{You're Gonna L♥V€ M€}$PeCi@L} - 21
👅💦 SuPer DriP👅💦 3xtrA TiGht👅💦Limited Time💦😸 PaRty FaVoR BuNny - 22
(ALL HOTELS AND RESIDENCE, Boston, Boston/Camb/Brook)